Great piece Amy thanks. So Mod Lang - yet another record shop named for Big Star! And are you familiar with Elizabeth Nelson's great song about Barney Bubbles?


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He's deserving of an ode! Crazy that Mod Lang was based in Berkeley and now in cozy Ludlow. Great store and it seems our place as distinguished visitors was usurped this past weekend by...Robert Plant.

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If you haven't read them, I highly recommend the novels of Mary Webb (1881-1927) which are set in 19th century Shropshire. She recreates the Shropshire dialect and writes beautiful descriptions of the countryside. The books I read were wonderful, proto feminist tales about singular women: Precious Bane and Gone To Earth.

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Precious Bane, what a fantastic title!

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Highly recommend that one in particular for the next long haul flight

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Thanks, it looks very interesting and ahead of its time!

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WOW! I've never heard anyone mention Mary Webb. I discovered her in the '80's quite by accident... a Modern Library edition of Precious Bane caught my eye right in the middle of my Thomas Hardy period. Love her. Shropshire was her Wessex. Great stuff.

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Happy birthday to Eric! Lisa W. and Chuck C. played "Whole Wild World" in honor of his big day at their Baltimore show on Saturday.

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Urgh, this isn't letting me like your comment Marty - but thank you! And aren't Lisa and Chuck the best? Would love to hear that!

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Yes meeting up with old school friends has become an interesting ingredient particularly in view of the type of school we all attended and the peculiarities of many of the teachers which were so acutely identified in Eric's book but remain a distinct memory certainly in my mind.Mr Pierce(Physics) had a pronounced shudder which I was told was due to an old war wound(believe that if you will!),Mr Pope(French) could scratch one ear by a bizarre gymnastic feet of curling the opposite arm behind his neck and tweaking it,"Masher" Pett(Maths) could salivate visibly whilst walking around the classsroom and "Killer" Jones(Latin) could re-emerge following a lunch break in a pub reeking of alcohol and proceed to stuff orange peel down the inside of your shirt collar during a discussion on Catullus' poetry.A whole book could be written on these experiences.No wonder a whole series of school reunions,A Facebook page etc and an Old Lewesians website run with military fastidiousness ,have been built on these experiences.

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Loved hearing all these stories in person Edward, and we did miss seeing you!

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Love your descriptions, Amy. I’d buy a book of your travel writings alone.

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Thank you so much Robert, I really appreciate that. So much of my traveling has been done for gigs and those experiences are shaped by all the time constraints and focus has to be on the show. It's a treat to get out and see stuff outside those parameters - my only trip to Florence was to open for Yo La Tengo in an odd campground/leisure center and I think I might have seen the Duomo from a hill outside of town...next morning we had to drive partway to Paris. It was brutal (but I do remember the pastry and coffee in a little low-key bakery before we took off!)

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I have dotted my google maps with the little green flags of 'want-to-go' bucket list places and now there's a Clun Castle flag on it! Thanks for taking us with and reminding me not to be like the folks on your reality show 😜 I'm ready for some country.

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See you at Clun Castle Amy! It's GOT to be worth visiting!

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A Shropshire Lass (honorary)!

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I picked up a copy at the nice local bookstore!

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Great souvenir. You might also find Precious Bane by Mary Webb, which someone here mentioned. I forgot that was set in Shropshire.

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I love this. Thanks for taking us along vicariously on your Shropshire adventure. 💕🎶

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Thanks Karen!

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Love the pictures. Happy Birthday, Eric! Such a special time, indeed. It was a gift to read. Thank you.

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Thank you Angie, it was a wonderful birthday week for Eric.

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fighting off bouts of jealousy to say that i am so glad you are enjoying the new homeland!! xxxcm

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Ha ha, thanks Clarke. Still haven't moved but it's feeling more real!

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Amy, my niece, Gabrielle, and her husband Barry, of The Horsenecks, just toured through England and posted photos of everything you describe so well. Now I feel as though I have been there myself. Thank you!

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I'll have to look out for the Horsenecks - thank you Alan!

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Loved this one, Amy!!

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Thank you Cynthia!

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Love living through your adventures!

I could picture the landscape and the various characters. Happy birthday Eric!

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Thank you Sharon!

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Thank you for this! This was such a wonderful escape to read.

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Perfect - thanks Monica!

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